Building Creative Wellness Centre

Heal the Hood: Building Creative Wellness Centre, One Beat at a Time

The dream of a Heal the Hood Creative Wellness House is becoming a reality. We have purchased the property. Now to dream the next phase and act on the steps to manifest the building.
As artists, dancers, poets and even golfers we struggled to find suitable spaces for rehearsals, resorting to makeshift areas like school classrooms, hallways, driveways and thorny fields. This challenge gave rise to the idea of establishing creative spaces rooted in the very communities we aimed to empower. Creating them in the community will empower the communities, while bringing possibilities for economic growth.
Creative Wellness House
Phase one: Completed! 
Purchase the property in Grassy Park, Cape Town, South Africa.
Phase two: Started
Renovate the building to usher in the vision of the Wellness Centre. To get us started  we have launched  the Buy A Brick campaign, and hope to raise funds to to get us started. 
We are hoping to partner we local NPO for this and future projects. If you feel you would like to get involved please  reach out to us.
We are looking for to your support and hearing from you.

Areas of Impact


Enhanced global connectivity among artists and communities.

Sharing of diverse hip hop cultures and practices.

Increased understanding and appreciation of different cultural backgrounds.

and Learning

Knowledge transfer and skill development through workshops and events.

Exposure to different artistic styles and techniques.

Encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving among participants.


Fostering a creative environment for artistic experimentation.

Production of new and diverse artistic works.

Encouragement of collaborative projects and cross-disciplinary works.


Economic upliftment of local artists and communities.

Strengthening community bonds through shared cultural experiences.

Empowering youth with skills and confidence.

Creation of a sense of belonging and pride.


Job creation in the areas of arts, culture, and event management.

Revenue generation for local communities through events and tourism.

Financial empowerment of artists through direct income opportunities.


Establishing a global network of Hip Hop Houses for international collaboration.

Facilitating global artist exchanges and residencies.

Creating a platform for international recognition of local artists and their work.


Bank Account Information

Account Name: Heal the Hood Project
Bank: First National Bank
branch: Grassy Park
Account Number: 63081676620
Branch code: 250-655
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

Build the Creative Wellness Centre